
Participate! Volunteer!



Ways you can help the CWCHF.

The easiest way to help is to ‘Like’ us on Facebook and share the links to this website and to our Cafe Press store with others who love the Cardigan Welsh Corgi or even dogs in general. Add a link to our site on your own website or blogroll.

You may also designate the CWCHF as your charity for a Facebook birthday fundraiser. Easy and painless!

Another way to help is to participate in health studies and open health registries. Go to our Links and Research pages to find information on registry websites and current research. 

If you are a breeder or even just a pet owner, health testing your dog(s) and participating in open registries, health surveys and research projects are important ways you can make a difference for the breed, now and into the future.

Let us know if you find broken links on our pages, or point out new research and information.  Knowledge is power!



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