Corneal Erosion

Corneal Erosion


Chronic corneal erosions (CEE) are painful open wounds which fail to heal and can be present for many weeks to months.

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Symptoms:  in animals with CEE, the growing epithelial tissue fails to stick to the corneal surface and loose flaps of epithelium result, which will lay across the wound for several weeks without healing. This healing problem is aggravated if the animal rubs its eye.

Signs of eye discomfort include weeping, blinking, squinting, pawing at the eye and general depression.

Treatment Options:  Minor surgery is highly successful in treating corneal erosion, with most patients healing within two weeks following surgery. The surgery requires a sedative to calm the animal followed by eye drops to numb the eye, and then a tiny surgical blade is used to debride (peel) off the defective epithelium (superficial debridement). Then a surgical needle is used to create very shallow grooves in the corneal surface (superficial grid keratotomy). This creates microscopic “footholds” for new, growing epithelium to stick down into these grooves in a more healthy way. And finally, a soft contact lens bandage is placed on the cornea.

 Known Mode of Inheritance:  Unknown

 Age of onset:  Varies

Breeds affected: 

  • Cardigan: yes
  • Pembroke: yes
  • Other Breeds: yes

 Incidence in Cardigans

  • Unknown


  • Cardigans: no
  • Other breeds: no
  • Active?: no

Tests Available:  Physical examination, eye staining

Published papers and Articles: 

 Discussion Groups: 

  • None found


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