This website is dedicated to promoting the health and well being of the Cardigan Welsh Corgi.
Please support our efforts by making a donation to help fund health research projects,
specifically with regard to IVDD, DM, cancer, cystinuria and auto-immune diseases.
OFA Health Survey available for Cardigans.
If you are a current owner or have owned any Cardigans since 1989,
please go to the OFA website and participate this Survey.
It should only take a few minutes to complete.
The Cardigan Welsh Corgi Health Foundation is asking Cardigan owners to help with a research project to develop a DNA test for cystinuria in the Cardigan Welsh Corgi. The project is being conducted by Dr. Paula S. Henthorn, Professor of Medical Genetics with Tenure – Department of Clinical Studies, University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine.
Dr. Henthorn is seeking cheek swab and urine samples from intact dogs age 2 or older. The best candidates are sexually mature, intact, male dogs (ideally up to about 4-5 years old) that have been diagnosed with cystinuria, or are first-degree relatives (siblings or offspring, for example). Samples from normal dogs, male and female, also are welcome.
Urine specimens may be free catch, in a watertight container. The specimen should be shipped in a Styrofoam box (such as a vaccine shipping box) and kept cool with ice packs (the sample may also be frozen and shipped chilled), and shipped no later than second day delivery. Please do not use the U.S. Postal Service, as they do not deliver directly to the lab. Dr. Henthorn suggests FedEx, UPS, DHL, or another private shipper. Multiple dog samples may be shipped together (in fact this is preferred if possible), as long as the samples are carefully labeled.
Two cheeks swabs are needed. The cytology brushes should be air dried, then put in a paper envelope. They can be shipped with the urine sample. There is a consent form to be completed to participate in the study.
Samples should be shipped to:
Dr. P. Henthorn/Cystinuria
Section of Medical Genetics, 4022 Ryan Vet. Hosp.
University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
3900 Delancey St.
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6010
Phone no. (required by FedEx): 215-573-5703
You may contact the lab for sampling supplies and the consent form, by emailing CystinuriaDNAtest@gmail.com
Or download the consent form here Clicking this link should download the document to your browser
The CWCHF also has sampling supplies it can send out to Cardigan owners who wish to submit samples, along with the consent form. Email notenuffcats@yahoo.com We’ll need your mailing address and how many dogs you are testing.
The CWCHF will help to defray the cost of shipping your samples, since shipping cold samples via two day delivery can be costly to many. To receive reimbursement, please send a photocopy of your consent form along with a photocopy of your shipping receipt and your mailing address to:
PO Box 725454
Berkley, MI 48072-5454
Those who want to help with the costs of research can make a tax-deductible donation to the CWCHF, and the donation will be forwarded to the project. A donation check may be mailed to:
PO Box 725454
Berkley, MI 48072-5454
Please indicate that it is for the Cystinuria Research Project.